Cómo utilizar el plan de estudios de seminario en vídeo

Schools, teachers, students, and other groups or individuals are free to implement lessons and courses in any fashion they choose. Below are a few recommendations that have led to successful deployments.

Study the courses in any order you like, or follow this recommended order:

Foundational Studies
1.Reino, Pactos y Canon del Antiguo Testamento46h11m0
2.El Reino y el Pacto en el Nuevo Testamento33h21m3
3.El Credo de los Apóstoles610h16m68h21m
4.Construyendo Su Teología44h45m0
5.El Pentateuco1112h25m44h21m
6.Los Evangelios59h48m56h57m
7.El Libro de los Hechos34h08m3
Biblical Studies
8.El Libro de Josué40
9.Él Nos Dio Profetas85h21m0
10.La Sabiduría Profética de Oseas20
11.El Corazón de la Teología de Pablo44h43m0
12.Epístolas de Pablo en Prisión57h24m0
13.El Libro de Hebreos22h06m0
14.La Epístola de Santiago22h16m0
15.El Libro de Apocalipsis36h41m0
16.Él Nos Dio las Escrituras1110h25m0
Theological Studies
17.Creemos en Dios45h24m44h37m
18.Construyendo Una Teología Sistemática46h36m0
19.Creemos en Jesús510h49m0
20.Creemos en el Espíritu Santo45h16m43h49m
21.Construyendo Una Teología Bíblica44h11m0
22.¿Qué es el Hombre?45h24m0
23.Venga Tu Reino: La Doctrina de la Escatología45h19m0
24.Cómo Tomar Decisiones Bíblicas1012h52m0

Online Courses and MOOCs

For Groups and Individuals

  • If you have broadband internet access, the lessons can be viewed online using a computer or similar device.
  • If you don't have broadband internet access, download the highest quality version of the lesson you can. This may be the video, audio, or manuscript. These resources can also be accessed from our mobile apps.
  • If you don't have broadband or a mobile device, or if you will be displaying the lessons on a large screen, consider obtaining a microSD card with the completed curriculum-to-date. Email [email protected] for other delivery options.
  • For a video explanation of a flourishing offline solution we call the "tablet model," please view this user-made video from Will Savell of ESEPA in Costa Rica.
  • There are no "rules" for using these resources. Customize your study as seems appropriate to your circumstances.
  • Consider joining the Thirdmill Institute to get credit for your work.

Viewing Lessons in a Group Setting

  • Each group meeting can focus on entire lesson, or on one or more major sections of a lesson.
  • It's helpful for each student to have a copy of the lesson guide and to complete the Notes section of the guide while viewing the lesson. You can find lesson guides and an index of all downloadable course files here or email [email protected].
  • After each major section of a lesson, it's recommended to include a period of discussion so that students can reflect on the content of the lesson and interact with each other. The lesson guide for each lesson includes Review Questions and Application Questions that can help spark discussions.
  • The Review Questions in the lesson guides can also be used as homework or essay test questions.
  • The Application Questions in the lesson guides are often useful as topics for essay assignments.

Classroom Flipping / Assigning Lessons as Homework

  • Flipped classrooms assign videos as homework to be watched before class, and spend classroom time on valuable activities like group discussions and projects.
  • Each assignment can focus on entire lesson, or on one or more major sections of a lesson.
  • Each student can replay portions of the lesson as desired.
  • It's helpful for each student to have a copy of the lesson guide and to complete the Notes section of the guide while viewing the lesson.
  • The Review Questions in the lesson guides can also be used as homework or essay test questions.
  • Classroom meetings following completion of these homework assignments can be used to discuss the content of the lessons.
  • The Application Questions in the lesson guides are often useful as topics for essay assignments.

Self-directed Study

  • Lessons can be used by individuals who are not part of a class or study group.
  • View as much of the lesson as feels comfortable to you.
  • Replay any portion of the lesson if you find it helpful.
  • Complete the Notes section of the lesson guide while you view the lesson.
  • Complete the Review Questions in the lesson guides to make sure you understand the major concepts of the lesson.
  • Reflect on the Application Questions in the lesson guides. You may also find it helpful to write out your thoughts in short answers or journal entries.

Research and Additional Assignments

Our website provides many resources that can be used as study aids, references for research, and homework. Students should also be encouraged to make use of any other resources to which they have access.